MINI PODCAST (Pilot) - Letter Lettre Show

Letter Lettre is a thank you song by musical penpal band Les Chouettes (merci Fran Ashcroft for continuing on the aventure avec moi!) inspired by a reference letter (that I never read) from William Straw. The video we are premiering Monday, May 20th (created with Jenn E Norton and Ryan Randall) on youtube contains an animated letter sequence featuring pen pal letters of mine that date back to the 90’s!
I placed an ad in “Filles d’aujoud’hui” magazine in 1992 seeking French pen pals who could help me improve my written French and in turn I'd help them with their English. Over 100 letters arrived in my letterbox that same spring (!) and I replied to every one of them, choosing a select several to keep up regular correspondence with.
Click here to hear the Letter Lettre "Show" where I talk about my love of correspondence and read one of the 1992 letters (decorated with 'pearly stickers' - remember those?) en Français with a translation aussi. Oui!